Client | Google Stadia
Copywriter | Ernesto Campabadal
It takes something just shy of divine intervention to get a gamer to consider a different way to play their favorite games. But Google Stadia is difficult to ignore. Everything about the all-new cloud-based gaming platform defies convention, from its form factor to its features. It’s strange, it’s absurd, it’s free to define itself. People are staring. Let’s get weird.
“An eye-popping, mind-melting,
not-so-serious odyssey of Kubrickian proportions.”
With the guidance of multi-genre performer, comic, musician, and disorienting TED-talker Reggie Watts, both Stadia commercials takes us through a visually stunning journey that entertains, informs, and dares us to confront our own complacency when it comes to gaming platforms. And it speaks in a language that’s easy for citizens of the internet to understand: the absurdity of internet culture.
Stadia’s launch campaign speaks with confidence, with a sense of humor and in a relatable way, inviting people to try something new and believe in a new future for gaming. An absurdly smart way to introduce an absurdly smart product.